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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chinese Herbs for Depression: Facts About Chinese Herbs for Depression

Traditional Chinese medicine (Tcm) believes the root cause of depression and anxiety stems from heart problems that is caused by the restriction in the chest area. Brain chemistry issues are symptoms of the heart according to many of the Chinese healers.

Western medicine believes that Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Medications are often used for medicine and in some cases more than one medication is prescribed to turn neuro-chemicals.

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Feelings that might occur in depressed habitancy comprise loss (job, loved one), fear of loss, memory loss, repressed expression, and other life events. These cause constraint - pertaining to flow of Qi and blood in the center and upper body. This is a health called Liver Qi stagnation. This can lead to Heat Heart, which is a health with symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and panic attacks. Heart Arrhythmias and some kinds of psychosis can also occur.

Chinese Herbs for Depression: Facts About Chinese Herbs for Depression

In order to treat Liver Qi Stagnation, you have to let go of the Qi in the chest. Drugs can help but push-ups work as good as Prozac. Swimming using the breast stroke, arm Movement and hard crying all help to publish the Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine - Tcm uses herbs as Western Medicine, though their view of the root cause of depressive disorders differs. Chinese herbs are used to treat a collection of health conditions together with Depression.

Alone, Chinese herbs have a mild result on the health being treated. When they are blended with other herbs the result is very strong. Below are some of the Chinese herbs.

Chai hau is also called Bupleurum and is a exterior relieving herb. It is used to treat colds. Its effects are strengthened when mint is added.

He Huan pi also known as He Huan Hua. It is extracted from the bark and flowers of the Mimosa tree (albezzia). It nourishes the heart. Combined with Dan Shan (Salvia Miltorrhiza) it is assuredly potent.

Other Chinese herbs for Depression are Poria (fu shen), red dates (hung zao) and wheat berries (fu xaio).

Both Western and Eastern cultures use herbs for curative as has been done over centuries. Herbs are productive curative treatments no matter the culture. Chinese herbs for Depression are included in the long list of productive curative herbs.

Chinese Herbs for Depression: Facts About Chinese Herbs for Depression

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