Western Digital WD Elements 2 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive

Western Digital WD Elements 2 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive

Friday, November 18, 2011

What Was My Password? keeping Track Of Passwords And Login data

What Was My Password? keeping Track Of Passwords And Login data

Have you ever misplaced a password or log-in id? Have you ever tried to log-in with the wrong password or id and gotten yourself locked out of your own site? I have and it makes me want to throw my laptop right out the window.

We are instructed to use different passwords and user names for each of our log-in sites. This can get pretty hairy since we are all on a collection of web sites that want log-in information. I am on 52 sites that I use on a regular basis that want procure log-in information, and it would be foolish to use the same combo for all of them. Both Mac's and Pc's have built in software to help capture your log-in information, and that works... Sometimes. There are software programs you can purchase to track and store your information, just type password keepers into your crusade bar and hundreds will come up. The question with most of those programs is that they are placed on one computer, and if you travel, you may not be using the same principles so you can't passage their information. I have listed a few ways to keep track, some are very low tech but may work depending on your specific needs.

1. Use a movable hard drive like a Western Digital Passport that can house all of your leading programs and files. Cost: 0 to 0 depending on storehouse capacity.

2. Save your passwords in an Excel file and store it on a flash drive. Cost: -50 depending on storehouse capacity.

3. Password folder in your email. Each time I sign up for a new site, I'm sent an email that outlines my log-in data for that site. I keep a virtual file in my email principles that stores all of my passwords so no matter what computer I am working on, I can passage that file. Cost: Body

4. Old School Address Book. I also have an address book, those old fashioned tabbed kind, that I store all of my sites and log-in info in. Nothing else goes in there but passwords. I keep it in my desk drawer as a back up to the fancy technology systems. Just in case...I mean, sometimes technology can fail, right? Cost:

5. Keep 'em in the cloud. Again, take that Excel file or password schedule and store it on any one of the procure cloud computing programs. Cost: Body to 0 depending on services provided.

Bottom line: Don't use the same log-in and password for every site you log-in on. That's just asking for a hack. Anyone you do, make sure your data is accessible if you don't use the same computer each time and keep a back up just in case technology fails you.

Here's to happy and Safe computing!

Lisa T. Goodwin, Ceo professional Network 4 Women

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